K9KDE Thanks for your contact with K9KDE
Henry Schleichkorn RBP, in
Chicago, Illinois, USA email: henry@k9kde.com
This is my most recent QSL card from a few years ago.
This is the 2015 QSL card
April 2014: The Hex Beam is up and working. Higher then ever. Look at that tower. It's a 20 foot ladder!!!
This ladder was in my garage for the past 15 years collecting dust and dirt.
Thanks to Lyam N9LVG and Bob K0KVK (fellow Hex Beam owners) for their hard work and determination.
We spent 9 hours on Sunday, taking down the damaged antenna, fixing it,
then preparing the ladder, lifting, erecting and mounting the Hex Beam.
I was on the air that night.
Here is a video my son made of that day, April 6, 2014, erecting the ladder tower: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nub1wabwXnk&list=LLaTOv8DeXxd5CUCNzf-4uyw&feature=mh_lolz&hd=1
Our fierce Chicago winter knocked down my Hex Beam antenna in March 2014.
2009 K9KDE 2012
In June 2013 my ham friend Lyam N9LVG and I installed a new Hex Beam.
Also thanks to Bob K0KVK for his help.
I am president of the Metro Amateur Radio Club
I am usually the Net Control for the Metro Amateur Radio Club Net held every Sunday night at 9:00pm local time. The Net is on the club repeater on 2 meters, frequency 147.315
QSL address: Henry Schleichkorn K9KDE 3819 N Southport Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60613
Here is my vertical antenna mounted to my back porch. It is a 26 foot 5 band vertical I now use for 40 meters.
Its about 30 feet high. The plane is on its way to O'Hare International Airport.